วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Koran Commands Endless 911's

The Koran Commands Endless 911's

The date today is September 11, 2006, the 5th anniversary of 911. Five years have gone by since 911 and the American people are still wandering blindly around in the circles of smoke and debris at ground zero unable to understand the reason for 911. For 5 years the American people have been told that Islam is a religion of peace and that it is just a fringe group of radical Muslims who have misinterpreted the Koran who are chanting "Death to America and to Israel" across the 1.3 Billion people Muslim world. Jesus called the leaders of his day "blind guides leading the people into the fire." (Matthew 23). Your leaders know exactly what caused 911, Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon but for some reason they do not want to tell you. They do not trust the American people to know the truth. They believe that is in the best interests of the American people to be kept in the dark. Jesus said, "I am the truth and the life and the way." You are about to hear the truth that every Muslim man, woman and child is well aware of that has been hidden from you for the past 5 years because your leaders do not trust you to know the truth. Once you see the truth then 911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Iran will become clear once and for all.

The Holy Scripture of Islam is the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran. When the Prophet Muhammad spoke of the people of the scriptures, the books, he was referring to the Jews (The Old Testament) and the Christians (The Old Testament and the New Testament). The Koran Chapter Sura 9:29-30 states clearly, "Make War on the Christians and the Jews...Do battle with them!" "Kill those who join other Gods with Allah wherever ye shall find them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert to Islam then let them go their way." (Koran Sura 9:5) For this you shall be rewarded with eternal paradise in Heaven with Allah, crystal clear streams, 72 virgins, wine without side effects, and the Garden of Eden forever. (Koran Sura 56). The Koran clearly and expressly commands all of the 1.3 billion Muslim people to engage in Holy War, Jihad, to conquer the world for Islam, for Allah. (Everyman, The Koran, Translated from the Arabic by J.M. Rodwell, J.M. Dent, Orion Publishing Group, London, 1994).

Islam Dating

Today, 09/11/2006 Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri released another Al Qaeda propaganda videotape. It said, "Among the devout group which responded to the order of Allah and the order of his messenger (the Prophet Muhammad) were the heroes of Sept. 11, who wrote with the ink of their blood the greatest pages of modern history," he said, referring to the hijackers who flew the planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center". The Muslim God, Allah dictated the Koran to the angel Gabriel who dictated the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.

It is the plan of the Muslim world to use 2/3 of the world's oil, in the Persian Gulf, to build and purchase thousands of nuclear weapons with which to conquer the world for God, Allah, Islam on these express orders of God, Allah in the Koran. The Muslim people plan to choke off the American oil supply and choke off the American economy and nuke America into the ground. 911 was the first shot to hit America on American soil. The Taliban, Iran, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Shiite and Sunni Iraq are all part of the world wide Muslim Holy War for world domination by Islam being carried out right now on the direct orders of the Muslim God, Allah, in the Koran. Forewarned is forearmed and as long as your leaders keep you in the dark about what is actually going on you don't stand a chance.

Fortunately in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran our God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Adonai, who handed the 10 commandments to Moses, gave us all a map to world peace and out of this mess through every single Biblical Prophet of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Go take a look at our God's map out of this mess at The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion while there still is time.

The Koran Commands Endless 911's

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The 50-50 Relationship Myth

The 50-50 Relationship Myth

I remember how it used to be said: "a successful relationship requires a fifty-fifty split of the responsibilities between the two in the relationship". That may sound fair to many couples, you do you share and I'll do mine; here is another way it's been said among those giving advice: "Marriage is a partnership and each need give 50/50 for the relationship to work". Wow! Imagine being in a relationship and only having to give 50% of your effort. Depending on your significant other to contribute the other 50% for the relationship to be a success, sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

While in my undergrad studies, all team members were prepared and contributed more that 100% of the effort in team assignments, just in case another team member was lacking or slacking. The team leader was definitely prepared to do all parts of the assignment because his/her grade depended on a completed assignment, regardless of who did or did not contribute.

Islam Marriage

What about in the relationship between a husband and wife? Should both contribute 50% of the required effort to make the relationship successful? What if the man took on the responsibility of 100% of the effort? That way if the wife fell short of any portion of her 50%, the relationship would not suffer. Who deserves to sit back and say "I did my 50%, I'm done for now!"

This is probably one of those controversial topics, but something is wrong with the concept of this thinking. What if one member of the relationship is only capable of producing 35% of the effort? Does this mean the other needs to make up for the shortage? Must the effort to sustain a relationship be graded or measured in percentages of who gave or participated in what? Why can't someone just be responsible for...doing what is necessary and required regardless of who participated? Isn't this what happens in a loving relationship? Two people that love and truly care for each other will trip over their own two feet to do what's needed that the relationship strengthens and grows. Both will give 100% of the effort and if any one falls short; man 100% vs. woman 65%, the relation is still functioning at more than 100% of its potential. How do you measure the success of a relationship in percentages anyway?

If you depend on your mate to contribute only 50% of the required effort to maintain a relationship, where is the other 50% going to? Who or what gets the remaining percentage of what is left? Although it is said that most relationships are partnerships someone always kicks in more than their fair share. But is life really fair? If the job or task needs to be done, it should be done, no matter who reached their equal share first.

In closing, I think couples set them selves up for failure in believing or only expecting a 50/50 share in a relationship, defined as a partnership. When you consider two people spending their time in life together, love will go the extra percent (pun intended) and not worry about percentages contributed to the relationship.

The 50-50 Relationship Myth

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What Color Should You Wear To A Muslim Wedding?

A Muslim wedding is a day of complete celebration for the bride, groom, their family and friends. Thus, it is an occasion for one and all to celebrate. There is now written rule of what should be worn and what should not be worn to a Muslim wedding. A lot depends on which part of the world you live in, and the level of rigidity followed by the Muslims there.

In a Muslim wedding, it is the most important day for the bride and groom. If you are close to them and know what color they are wearing, avoiding those colors is a must. This will make the bride and groom standout and make their special day a little bit more special for them.

Islamic Women

Muslims have a lot of life in their weddings. The weddings are calm and serene yet there is a lot of fun and frolic too. Wearing white is the tradition in some areas but white is also the funeral shade in some areas. So, if you are in a doubt avoid white. Black is considered as a funeral color in some parts like so check out the local customs, before deciding on the color. Any other color apart from this is sure to bring you to the same fun mood that they are in.

What Color Should You Wear To A Muslim Wedding?

Bright green and pinks are a favorite in Muslim weddings. You have the liberty to make a style statement here. The only thing you must keep in mind is that the dress should be modest. Oranges and yellows, red and maroons or if you want to wear all rainbow colors, the choice is yours. The dress should cover you arms and feet. Any thing, which is flowy, is surely bound to make you feel comfortable there.

Islamic Women

As a man, wearing a simple suit or a tux to a Muslim wedding is considered okay. You won't be in the wrong dress, but if you want to merge with the crowd, you better ask someone in the family. They will be able to tell you what exactly their traditional dress is so that you can wear one. Wearing gold and black are pretty common with Muslim men. Black may cause you doubts but with gold you can be rest assured, you are sure to look one in the family. Wearing a Sherwani is another way to feel at home in the crowd.

Apart from the color, a must is to look after your accessories. Avoid taking something which is over the top. Wear your make up - a dark shade of lipstick will be preferable. Carry a small handbag or a purse. Wearing jewels on your forehead or temples will surely give you that Muslim feel.

If you have no one to help you, there are Muslim designers whom you can contact. They will be able to tell you about colors and you can find great Muslim wedding attires with them. No designers close by, just walk up to your computer and search online. You can find anything and everything you want on Muslim weddings.

What Color Should You Wear To A Muslim Wedding?

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Differences Between Wedding Party Dresses and Tea Party Dresses

Differences Between Wedding Party Dresses and Tea Party Dresses

Every occasion and event has specifically defined set of rules. The dresses that you can wear at a wedding party may not be appropriate to wear for a tea party. At the same time, if the wedding that you are going to attend is not such a formal occasion and is more or less like a tea party, then you can interchangeably wear the dresses. What you should wear at a wedding depends on what kind of wedding it is - - whether it is highly formal or informal type? On the other hand, you may have a specific dress code to wear at a tea party so in case of a tea party you can make an easy decision about your clothes whereas selecting a dress for an occasion of wedding may be a little tricky.

How to choose dresses for tea parties and wedding parties

Islam Marriage

As stated earlier, for a wedding party you first need to know if it is going to be a formal or an informal occasion. Depending on this, you can pick suitable wedding party dresses. For a tea party, you need to look stylish and cool by adding grace to your figure. To select a tea party dress, you first have to take into account the season.

For spring: Go for colors such as white, pink, green and blue.
For winter: Pick dark color dress and pair it with a fleece stole, a cropped woolen jacket or a warm wrap.
For summer: Short sundresses in yellow color would look great.
Fabrics such as cotton, linens, wools and silks would look great, depending on the season.

Right Length

For tea parties, it is best to go for length which is short; ideal length would be just above the knees. A mid length dress, whose hem falls on the shin can also be a good choice. For weddings, it is better to go for long length dresses, either below the knees or as long as touching the ankles.

Dress pattern

Dress patterns include different sleeves such as short sleeves, sleeveless, thin straps, strapless, and off-the-shoulder styles. There are no such restrictions on these but make sure whatever you choose looks decent and good with your body shape.

Differences Between Wedding Party Dresses and Tea Party Dresses

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Build a Better Relationship - Scientific and Spiritual Maps

How to Build a Better Relationship - Scientific and Spiritual Maps

A couple of years ago we heard about the important work of researcher Dr. John Gottman, who observed thousands of couples in his lab in Seattle, Washington. It was validating to see that his work identified the same important behaviors we had observed, separating couples who did well in therapy from those who decided to end their marriages. We noted several behaviors characteristic of couples in distress. Dr. Gottman calls these behaviors "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse": ,contempt,defensiveness, and stonewalling. We also observed that whatever efforts one partner might make to get out of this pattern, the other partner was likely to foil. We began to refer to this phenomenon as "shooting your foot off." On the other hand, Gottman found that there were seven characteristics of happily married couples. We have learned these behaviors the hard way, through our own personal experiences and previous relationships. In more than twenty-five years of observing couples in therapy, we have noted the presence of the following behaviors. We'll discuss them at length below, but in summary, you will know your marriage is improving when you:

1. enhance your love maps
2. nurture your fondness and admiration
3. turn toward each other instead of away
4. let your partner influence you
5. solve your solvable problems
6. overcome gridlock
7. create shared meaning.

Marriage In Islam

From our studies of Jungian psychology and our belief in a universal set of truths, we were not surprised to learn that these behaviors were the same truths described in spiritual wisdom. We are not theologians; however, we have long had an interest in reading the work of great thinkers in the area of spirituality. Recently we attended a lecture by Dr. Francis Vanderwall, a scholar, on the parables of Jesus. The parallels between the principles in this parable about relationships and those in John Gottman's latest book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, are striking.

Since our counseling is based upon a practical spirituality, we have been interested in current research that records in a scientific way what we have known intuitively. The discussion that follows provides a bridge between the valley and transformation. Carl Jung wrote about the self with a small "s" and the Self with a capital "S." The small self refers to our individual ego and life drama. The capital Self refers to our connection with a spiritual reality much greater than ourselves. It is helpful when we tell a couple that what they are going through is experienced by others. It is comforting to think in "S" questions and to look at our reality in a larger context.The poet Rainer Maria Rilke remarked, "We need to learn to love the questions and to live our way to the answers."

Henri Nouwen's book begins with a description of the parable of "The Prodigal Son," which he called "The Story of Two Sons and Their Father." This material provides a clear and beautiful example of asking the "S" questions. It also illustrates Jung's concept of universal wisdom. Many other examples can be found in spiritual tradition. The parable of the Prodigal Son beautifully describes the ability of our soul to turn lead (our mistakes) into gold (transformation).

There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, "Father, let me have the share of the estate that will come to me." So the father divided the property between them. A few days later, the younger son got together everything he had and left for a distant country where he squandered his money on a life of debauchery. When he had spent it all, that country experienced a severe famine, and now he began to feel the pinch, so he hired himself out to one of the local inhabitants who put him on his farm to feed the pigs. And he would willingly have filled himself with the husks the pigs were eating but no one would let him have them. Then he came to his senses and said, "How many of my father's hired men have all the food they want and more, and here am I dying of hunger! I will leave this place and go to my father and say: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired men..." So he left the place and went back to his father. When he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with pity. He ran to the boy, clasped him in his arms and kissed him. Then his son said, "Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son." But the father said to his servants, "Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the calf we have been fattening, and kill it; we will celebrate by having a feast, because this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and is found." And they began to celebrate. Now the elder son was out in the field, and on his way back, as he drew near the house, he could hear music and dancing. Calling one of the servants he asked what it was all about. The servant told him, "Your brother has come, and your father has killed the calf we had been fattening because he has got him back safe and sound." He was angry then and refused to go in, and his father came out and began to urge him to come in; but he retorted to his father, "All these years I have slaved for you and never once disobeyed any orders of yours, yet you have never offered me so much as a kid for me to celebrate with my friends. But, for this son of yours, when he comes back after swallowing up your property-he and his loose women-you kill the calf we had been fattening."

The father said, "My son, you are with me always, and all I have is yours. But it was only right we should and rejoice, because your brother here was dead and has come to life; he was lost and is found." Let's compare Gottman's principles for successful marriage with the compelling parable of "The Prodigal Son." For a more in-depth theological discussion, we recommend Nouwen's book; what we shall examine here are the embedded psychological precepts that validate the theories Carl Jung postulated in Dreams, Memories and Reflections and in other works, namely that if you remove the obstacles that prevent you from accessing your authentic Self, it will lead you toward a transformed life of the "Truths." In order to demonstrate this, here is a brief comparison between Gottman's work and "The Prodigal Son": John Gottman and the Parable of "The Prodigal Son"

Principle 1: Enhance Your Love Maps John Gottman found that successful couples have a map of their partner's psychological reality, and understand their partner's interior world. Put poetically: How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; William Butler Yeats-from "When You Are Old" In "The Prodigal Son," the father understands his son's pilgrim soul. Even though the son went away and went wild in the valley of the shadows, the father understood his true repentance and was anxious to take him in again. In unsuccessful couples we see rigidity in a tendency to hang on to past hurts. They do not have a psychological map of one another's complexity, nor are they able to talk about and explore their "pilgrim souls" together. It is significant in "The Prodigal Son," that the father didn't need to hear all his son's explanations, why he had done what he did and how badly he felt. The father already understood this. He had a deep psychological map to his son.

Developing a love map for yourself and your partner is important if you wish to understand your inner self and that of the significant person in your life. It is very difficult to explain who we are if we don't know who we are.

Principal 2: Fondness and Admiration

In successful couples we observe a playful fondness and mutual respect. In "The Prodigal Son" the father's unconditional love and fondness for both of his sons is evident. He in fact loves them just the way they are.

Principal 3: Turn Toward Each Other Instead of Away

Gottman has found that when times are difficult, healthy couples have an ability to turn toward each other and dialogue with their conflict. In "The Prodigal Son," it is significant that the father runs out to meet his returning youngest son. According to Jewish law at the time, a father should never run to meet anyone. The father was less concerned with the rigid laws than he was with the joyful reunion with his son. It was the love that was most important and led to a powerful reconciliation.

Principal 4: Let Your Partner Influence You

In his research with abusive couples, Gottman found that abusers are almost totally incapable of allowing the other's influence. In viewing tapes of couples unable to accept one another's influence, it is not unusual to see an abusive partner discount almost everything that the other says. For example, if one partner says, "The sky is blue," the other may respond, "No it's not; it's blue and red." It's more important to be right than to have love or peace of mind. In the parable of "The Prodigal Son," the father allows himself to be influenced to give his sons their inheritance early. Again, this went against Jewish laws of the time, because fathers did not give an inheritance to a younger son, nor did they give it early. Scott Peck described this kind of love when he said that true love is "to will the good of the other." It is also important that the prodigal son had to repent to his father. In good relationships, people take responsibility for their own behavior. They do not sit and sulk like a child and wait for someone to come to them. We are shown in "The Prodigal Son" that the oldest son is not yet ready to come to the father.

He is caught up in self-righteous thinking. We find this with dysfunctional couples; each feels right and believes the other one should come beg for forgiveness. Bill demanded perfection and guilt-tripped his wife Sally when she failed to meet his exacting standards. Sally would run away when she felt overwhelmed by Bill's criticism. He blamed her for "refusing to work on the relationship" even when we pointed out that he had missed many more sessions than had his wife. The stress was palpable, and we suggested they take a break from one another. They were able to benefit from separate vacations, and when we next saw them Bill admitted he was too demanding. Sally agreed to discuss issues if the discussions were civil and if Bill would refrain from personal attacks.

Among the ground rules we established were; -Avoid absolutes like "never" and "always."

-Take turns communicating feelings.

-Moderate your voice and be respectful.

-Listen without interrupting, then verify what you think you heard.

-Acknowledge your partner's feelings and any truth in his or her observations.

-Discuss one subject at a time, and ask permission to change the subject.

-Limit discussions to one hour at most, then schedule follow-up discussions at a mutually agreeable time and place.

Bill and Sally have a long way to go, but they're still talking and trying to understand one another's perspective. Even when you're in the right, it's unlikely your partner will say, "I see that you've been right all along, and I've been a jerk. Can you ever forgive me? From now on, I'll do it your way." Face it-that's not going to happen. Be gracious enough to accept your partner's acquiescence without insisting on an abject apology.

Principal 5: Solve Your Solvable Problems

Successful couples can discuss conflicts and accept one another's influence, so they are able to solve most problems together. Sometimes they have to accept that certain problems are not solvable, and that they can go on loving each other, respecting their differences while retaining their closeness and joy in one another. In "The Prodigal Son," there is initially an unsolvable problem with the youngest son, so he goes away to learn his lesson. There is also an unsolvable problem with the oldest son, who feels resentful because he has done his duty and is not being rewarded. The difference is that the youngest son learns his lesson, then returns to the father and accepts responsibility for his mistakes.The oldest son pulls away, and the parable ends with his unwillingness to see either his brother's or his father's point of view. It is very significant that the oldest son asks his father why he is having a party for "this son of yours." The father corrects him, referring to "your brother." By so doing, he tries to lead the son toward compassion, toward understanding his brother's point of view. At the end of the parable, the oldest brother is not yet able to do this. He is convinced he is right, and is unwilling to consider another point of view. Self-righteousness prevents many couples from reconciling their differences and creating a joyful existence together.

Principle 6: Overcome Gridlock

In order to overcome gridlock, Gottman teaches that couples must learn to support one another's dreams. To do so, we must first understand our dreams and be able to talk about them with each other. The demise of many a marriage has resulted from the inability of one partner to communicate his or her deep dream and the other partner's inability to understand and support it. Marge has been offered a promotion, but it means she'll have to travel, and Fred is afraid she'll find someone else. He secretly hopes she won't get the promotion and in subtle ways undermines her self-confidence. His dream is starting a family, but he cannot admit he'd like a baby for fear of appearing unmanly. Fred wants Marge to read his mind and adopt his dream. Insensitive to one another's dreams, they nevertheless create obstacles to their fulfillment. Sometimes, love means letting go; sometimes it means talking, listening, understanding, compromising, and finding a win-win solution to each impasse. In the parable, the father is able to support his youngest son's dream even though it has immediate tragic consequences. He is able to let his son go to follow his dream. Because it is unselfish, letting go can be the purest form of love. When love returns, as when the prodigal returns, love attains the Second Mountain.

Principle 7: Create Shared Meaning

Happy couples are happy. This may sound obvious, but most people miss the point. In our practice, we have counseled many people who thought of home as a place of strife and who could not imagine what it would be like to be happy at home. Many think they have to go on vacation each year to have shared rituals or joyful times. Their marriages are in survival mode. How sad this is. Healthy couples have many rituals. On our honeymoon we met a couple celebrating their tenth anniversary. They told us that every month they had a mini-anniversary and would give each other some small gift, such as cigarette lighter or a handkerchief. We thought this a wonderful idea and adopted it, giving each other a little card on the tenth of each month. "The Prodigal Son" teaches us that God has laid out a banquet for us and, to participate in it, we need to relate to each other with love. Unfortunately, the oldest son chooses self-righteousness over joyful celebration. He thinks of attack instead of love. As Henri Nouwen puts it: "The world in which I have grown up is a world so filled with grades, scores, and statistics that, consciously or unconsciously, I always try to take my measure against all the others. Much sadness and gladness in my life flows directly from my comparing, and most, if not all this comparing is a useless and terrible waste of time and energy." People who are hopelessly locked in comparisons and power struggles fail to see that there is an abundance of love and joy for celebrating life on a daily basis. They are their own worst enemies, clinging to the jungle lest their partners find a way out.

"The Prodigal Son" gives us a map to leave our childhood programming and learn to love in mature ways. It is striking that this ancient wisdom is now being documented through the careful and systematic observations of Dr. Gottman. In reviewing Dr. Gottman's seven variables present in couples in long-term happy marriages, it is sometimes helpful to remember the beginning stages of a relationship, when these behaviors were perhaps commonly expressed:

-Love maps refer to a deep understanding of your partner's psychological world.

-Fondness can be demonstrated through affection, admiration, or praise.

-Toward versus away means that successful couples build up an emotional positive bank account, when they have difficulties they turn toward each other to work them out. Also, on a day-to-day basis they have many varied mindful moments where they are connected, sharing jokes, touching each other's arm, and fixing meals together, for example.

-Let Your Partner Influence You refers to respecting your partner's opinions and values. Couples are able to maintain an ongoing friendship through mutual respect.

-Solve Your Solvable Problems refers to the ability of successful couples to learn from experience and benefit from past mistakes.

-Overcome Gridlock-Differences are settled through the ability to dialogue with conflict. - Create Shared Memories refers to the rituals, symbols, family pictures, and occasions that reflect the couple's positive bond and shared history.

How to Build a Better Relationship - Scientific and Spiritual Maps

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Djinns in Islam and Their History - How to Invoke Rituals to Summon and Control Djinns

Throughout the centuries, long before the time of pharaohs and kings, djinns were the ruler of universe! They are the earliest inhabitants of universe. God created them before humans.When one of their tribe jinn shaitan disobeyed god, they had thrown out of heaven to earth.

Djinn used to know all about to be happened in universe as they used to hear from angels. Djinn are magical beings whereas most mortals were formed by the creator from earth mixed with other elements they were formed from smoke and fire and in the distant past,the different tribes had a lot of interaction with mortals and jinn were known to take them as slaves, teachers, students, lovers, worshippers, and food. There are six major tribes of djinn. Jinn are the most common, and often interact with mortals. Djinn are also called commonly as jinnat, jinn, jinni and genie. Jinn in islam are mentioned in quran and majority of them converted to islam. Jann often make their homes in oases in the desert. Marid are few in number, But very powerful. They tend to live near the coast. Ifrit are more common, and tend to be violently opposed to mortals.

Women Islam

Their allies the shaitan live in the mountains and underground. The ghul are the most base and depraved of the djinn,and prey on both the living and the dead. Ifrit are among the most powerful of the tribes and they are extremely violent towards mortals they make their homes in abandoned or desolate places, and will attack any Who disturb them without hesitation? Iblis was a great leader of the ifrit who was corrupted by a demon.

Djinns in Islam and Their History - How to Invoke Rituals to Summon and Control Djinns

Today they are still the tribe that interacts most with infernal powers. Ifrit can appear as a dog, a great tornado of dust, A magical camel made of sand, or a giant scorpion or serpent spitting fire. Only the most experienced of mortals has any chance of surviving an encounter with an ifriti. They are vulnerable to iron. Jann are allies of the jinn, though they are more conservative and have fewer interactions With mortals than the jinn. They are more individualistic, but as a whole have aided mortals more than not. They were among the first djinn with whom Mortals Came Into Contact, for many of those live in oases. Caravans could prosper or become lost and die at their whim.

Women Islam

They can take the form of a white camel or a whirlwind of sand. Their greatest enemies are the ghul. They are vulnerable to copper. Like the ifrit, ghul are wholly corrupted by the infernal powers.

Though they are very intelligent, they are entirely driven by a crazed lust to feed. They stalk the wastes between cities, preying on both living people and dead bodies. Many seek out grave sites to devour the newly fallen. However they are very superstitious, and may be tricked because of this. Ghul often appear as pilgrims in order to join caravans.

But will openly attack individuals or small groups. They may also appear as whirlwinds or as vultures. Almost all ghul are female. They are vulnerable to iron. The marid tribe is the smallest among them, but it is also the oldest and its members the strongest. They usually live near the coast, and are masters at controlling the weather.

Sailors do well not to anger these spirits. Some are partial to mortals, while others react violently to them. However they are not on friendly terms with the ifrit. Many centuries ago the marid saved the jinn from being destroyed by the ifrit and the shaitan.

And the ifrit have born a grudge since then. A marid djinn can take the form of a waterspout traveling across the water, or of a porpoise, horse, or old man as they are vulnerable to both copper and iron on the other hand shaitan are the second oldest tribe and allied with the ifrit and ghul they are master deceivers who delight in manipulating mortals and other to their own ends. However they are also very proud, and this can be used against them. Many had human worshippers in ages past. Shaitan makes their homes in the mountains and deep underground. They can take the form of a cloud of smoke, a jackal, or a black camel. They can also appear as beautiful women, though always with some part of An animal somewhere on their bodies. They often use disease as a weapon.

Djinns in Islam and Their History - How to Invoke Rituals to Summon and Control Djinns

วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic Gifts For Welcoming New Babies

Islamic Gifts For Welcoming New Babies

Almost all religions and cultures have traditions regarding the arrival of a new baby in a family such as baby showers before the arrival, baptisms and celebratory parties after the baby arrives. Similarly, Islam and Islamic countries follow the tradition of an Aqeeqa upon the arrival of the bundle of joy.

Aqeeqa incorporates the sacrifice of a lamb or goat in order to ward off any evil eyes or beings that might harm the baby. In addition it provides the parents with the opportunity of celebrating this joyous occasion with friends and family as well as introduces the newest addition to everyone. It also provides the guests with the chance of bestowing their well wishes and a selection of Islamic gifts upon the baby. Another advantage of Aqeeqa is that the poor are also given a fair share of the meat from the sacrificed animal. In short an aqeeqa turns out to be a social as well as a communal event, which allows the parents to share their joy with the rich and the poor.

Islam Marriage

Aqeeqa can also be considered the baby showers for Muslims, as this is the time when Islamic gifts to the baby and the mother. This particular affair boasts of a wide selection of Islamic gifts being provided that are useful and helpful for the new mother and child together. Islamic gifts offered at an Aqeeqa usually include personalized clothing and bedding articles such as blankets and body suits, a collection of important Surah's from the Quran or a complete digital Quran that the mother can turn on for the baby to listen from early childhood. Feeding items such as bottles, Sippy cups and bowls with holy messages printed or engraved on them.

Other Islamic gifts considered appropriate for an Aqeeqa are hand knitted wraps, caps, mittens and socks for the baby, gold jewellery such as pendants with "Allah" or "Muhammad" written across them, identifying the child to be a born Muslim. Also available at certain places are Halal lotions, shampoos and soaps for the baby that does not contain any non permissible ingredients. As these types of products are relatively new and not easily available everywhere, they make thoughtful Islamic gifts for a Muslim baby and at the same time also promote awareness about such products among people who are not conscious of their existence.

In short any Islamic gifts are welcome by the family members of the tiny bundle of joy as gift giving promotes love and a happy bond between the giver and the receiver. Therefore gift giving has been highly recommended in Islam by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) himself.

Islamic Gifts For Welcoming New Babies

วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

Islamic single women who are living in the US have to face many difficulties when looking for single men who can become good life partners. Interacting with Muslim men is not an easy task as many single girls abide by the strict Islamic values which do not look favorably upon men meeting women freely. Dating in Ism is still a new concept and while modern Muslim single females are very much interested in finding the perfect matrimonial match through Muslim social networking websites as it gives them a lot of freedom and choice to select Muslim single men after interacting with them over a long period of time.

Muslim single ladies who do not come from modern families are still having a lot of trouble in finding the Muslim match if their choice. Most of the Muslim women have to fall back on the traditional Muslim matchmaking procedures where the parent chose the Muslim man they feel is good for their daughter. After the match has been finalized, Muslim women and men can interact in order to develop some understanding before the marriage. However as these settings are quite contrary to the natural order of things, most of the arranged marriages are unsuccessful ending in divorce. Owing to the high rate of unsuccessful arranged marriages, many Muslim single women are now opting to turn to online Muslim dating and Muslim matchmaking websites as an alternative.

Muslim Dating

There are many Muslim single women who have had successful marriages by meeting the perfect Muslim match at these Muslim social networking websites. The Muslim matchmaking websites give them the opportunity to have relatively free interaction with the other person. Over the years there has been tremendous increase in the number of Muslim social networking websites as more educated and independent Muslim single women decide to choose their match on their own rather than settling for an arranged marriage.

It is a fact that an arranged marriage is a big risk but it does not mean that all matches made via Muslim matchmaking websites are successful. It is rightly said that marriage is a gamble and no one can completely forecast the end results but by choosing the Muslim men who have similar tastes, cultural affiliations and school of thought, Muslim single women are bound to increase the chances of a successful life to quite an extent.

Muslim Single Women Challenging the Old Ways

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Beaded Bridesmaid Dresses

Wedding days are very important especially for the bride. Girls are known to start planning for that great day even before they reach their teens. One of the most integral parts of this day is the choice of bridesmaid dresses. However, as that primal day approaches, many brides discover that they have so much to do that treading innumerable stores to locate the best type of dress for their bridesmaids is overbearingly inconvenient.

If this is the case with you, you must be aware of how tedious it is to select the best dress for bridesmaids of ranging heights and sizes. So, why should you not consider beaded bridesmaid dresses?

Islam Marriage

Pricing Of Beaded Bridesmaid Dresses

Beaded Bridesmaid Dresses

These dresses have an effortless fit which makes them ideal for whichever body size and shape. They emanate that enchanting feeling that is requisite for your wedding' s romantic aura. This implies that they will transform your wedding into fairy-land. The added advantage is that you can easily get the dresses just by going online and making your selection. The prices cannot be more remarkable since you get discounts for each additional beaded bridesmaid dress you order.

Islam Marriage

The Choice Of The Dresses

The internet offers a wide range of dresses that you can choose from. There are premium dress lines which will offer you very modern and upscale options. Each dress you select has been designed par excellence and the fabrics are to die for. The colors cannot be more bountiful which will ensure that you can easily coordinate the beaded bridesmaid dresses with your very own wedding gown. Therefore, you can be certain that the theme of your wedding will not face any glitch. There is a wide selection of the empire strapless, the satin and the scooped neck beaded bridesmaid dresses among other uncountable designs.

Appropriate Colors For The Dresses

When you have located the ideal beaded bridesmaid dresses, you will then have to decide suitable colors. Classic and soft colors add elegance to weddings. You might want to consider the waist empire dresses in an alluring range of baby blues, orange, pastel pink, beige, ivory and white. These colors will transform your bridesmaids into celestial. However, you will want to tone down the white to give more attention to your own gown.

Beaded Bridesmaid Dresses Fabrics

Beaded bridesmaid dresses must also be made of a unique fabric that will not be likely to feature among guests. You can get chiffon bridal gowns; some even have a see-through impression that will leave all agape. Silk will give the dresses a floating and sensuous sensation because it is not stiff and has an elegant flow. Silk also denotes luxury and ostentation.

To conclude, ensure that you match your dresses with the theme of that D-Day. The cuts are simply gorgeous, the colors will stun you and the prices cannot be more affordable. You will have a royal and regal day without undue strain on your budget surrounded by all the feminine princess beauties pointing to your own charming and queenly looks. Beaded bridesmaid dresses are, indeed, to die if you want no hassles selecting bridesmaids wear.

Beaded Bridesmaid Dresses

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Indian Wedding - Lehenga Choli and Indian Bridal Lehnga Choli

Indian Wedding - Lehenga Choli and Indian Bridal Lehnga Choli

The people of India have colorful & different outfits which has gained popularity not just in India but casting its magic on western women's also. The original creation of Rajasthan, designer Indian Lehenga Choli has become the center of attraction of all festival and parties. The traditional dress for women in Rajasthan and Gujarat is the Lehanga Choli. Lehenga Choli had developed since the times of the tribals and nomads of ancient times.

The silk saris, brightly mirrored cholis, colorful lehangas and the traditional salwar-kameez have spellbound to many travellars.Indian lehanga choli has traveled a long way from Mughal royal court to the Wedding Pandals.It is said in the history that it was the apparel since the Mughal era. It took the status of the festivity wardrobe.Lehanga means a beautiful pleated skirt and tight fitting blouse called Choli along with the elegant odhni or Dupatta.During the Indian wedding we can see the colorful display of bridal wear.

Islam And Marriage

Lehangas happens to be one of the ancient dress in which India holds a leading position. In different parts of India, brides wear different kinds of garments, ornaments and adornments.A Punjabi Bride would wear a Salwar Kameez, while a Maharashtrian bride would wear a nine yard sari and a Rajasthani bride would consistently wear Lehanga.

Most preferably the Ghagra Choli which is also known as Lehanga Choli and Chaniya Choli. A lehanga is along skirt and is worn with long or short, the choli which is stitched and fitted blouse. The lehanga is worn at the waist and leaves the back and midriff open. 2.5 meters of light transparent georgette material is used as a scarf or veil.Choli is usually tight fitted to give one the perfect look.Dupatta is not compulsory but it definitely embellishes the beauty. Dupatta comes up in a different beautiful color shades with designs and are draped in distinct styles. The latest draping style is to wrap it round the arms to give a unique look Mirror work, Zari, Gota, Meenakari, Kundan and Resham work looks simply fabulous. A fine blend of tradition with modern novelty can create a Lehanga in shot-color i.e. a base reflecting two colors, one overlapping with the other.

For the ethnic look designers are working on cuts and shapes like A-Cut, Straight cut, Umbrella cut, Fish cut or Mermaid cut. Trendy Lehangas come up in fish cut which are tight up to the knee and then it takes a twist. The lower part is frilly and loose and the Choli is made in the style of jacket with a deep necks and backlines. Brides usually go for this type in the special day of their lives. Bridal Lehangas consists of significant designs. Often styles of presenting differ according to the demands of the customer. It is now most important to buy a right Lehanga for the wedding ceremony. It is advisable to take the tips before indulging in outfit.

Like the Indian Sari the wedding Lehangas are very popular when it comes to wedding function. In Northern India the Lehanga choli has been successfully replaced the wedding saree.During the wedding day bride wants to look at her best and don't want to compromise on outfit and other accessories in any way. It is the most demanded outfit for this day. The Lehanga -choli with its majestic get up makes the bride look like a queen on her wedding day it is thus of the flamboyant look Wedding Lehangas are available in different style and patterns according to the body type of the bride. Now the brides are lucky enough to pick the Lehanga for wedding and pre wedding occasions. Wedding Lehangas comes in vivid ranges of silk with rich incorporations such as tie &die work, zari embroidery dapka work, salma or naquashi work aari work and gota work etc.These collection of wedding Lehangas showcases the rich craftsmanship of Rajasthan.

Wedding Lehangas are available in a wide range varying from traditional Lehangas to contemporary Lehangas, from designer Lehangas Cholis.There is a wide range of colors available to choose. Though the prime color is red but now they have become quiet opt and experimental regarding the distinctive colors likes peach, pink, and blue, sea green and many more.

For the morning function one can choose golden or copper colors. In the evening occasion, one can go for the deep navy blue and sapphire blue color with silver accents. Bridal Lehanga should be considered according to the skin color. If one has affair complexion they should avoid pale or pastel color as they dull out the beauty. On the other hand for a dusky skin one should wear bright colors like sunshine yellow, bright orange, red, magenta and bright blue.

Though we have witnessed number of changes in its styling and designing but one thing is sure that the Fashion of Lehanga Choli tradition will never diminish.

Indian Wedding - Lehenga Choli and Indian Bridal Lehnga Choli

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

You Are a Chanel Woman!

You Are a Chanel Woman!

Strong, intelligent, creative, multi-tasker, independent, lovable, businesswoman, mom, sister, wife, girlfriend. This is the woman of the 21st century and she is unlike any other woman in history. As we strive to have it all and keep our lives balanced, there comes a point when we must admit that we have accomplished more than we ever dreamed of and that we deserve to spoil ourselves! The women of the world need to stop running around for one second and put themselves in front of everyone else. We realize how hard it is to do this, especially since our biggest fear is that everyone around us will fall apart if we stop to take care of ourselves. Trust us, everything will be fine!

The best way to pamper yourself is to make some fabulous purchases that will add some excitement to your look! You know you get that sense of accomplishment when you find that perfect piece AND it's on sale! In order to make the most of your time, it's important to start thinking like a Chanel woman! What is a Chanel woman? Well, we can see how Coco lived her life, she was spontaneous, feminine, classy and she introduced a suit that would encourage women to rise above men and to take charge of their lives. Really, the most important characteristic of a Chanel woman is that she is authentic.

Islamic Women

Now that you have realized that you are a Chanel woman, it is time to add an authentic Chanel handbag to your wardrobe! Some of you are probably thinking "I can't afford an authentic Chanel bag!" Others might be thinking "Where do I buy an authentic Chanel handbag?" Well ladies, get ready to squeal with joy because not only have we found some great options for you online, but they are all on sale! We agree with you that it is not easy to find good deals on many designer bags and that they definitely are pricey. But don't forget, today is your day to pamper yourself and you deserve this!

Since we consider an authentic Chanel handbag an investment, we make sure that we do our research when we are online. A lot of vendors are developing replicas and knockoffs that have absolutely no value. Sometimes it's easy to spot one (i.e. the Chanel handbag is offered for .00) and other times online stores do a good job of conning us. The best advice we can give you us to remember that a Chanel woman is authentic and therefore all of her bags must be authentic too.

You Are a Chanel Woman!

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Indian Weddings

In Indian culture marriage is regarded as a sacrament, a rite that enables two individuals to begin their life together. The diversity and the ethnicity of the Indian community are evident in the myriad of colourful weddings that are celebrated. Indian marriages, all over the world, are big events and are held in an extravagant manner. The weddings are replete with ceremonies and rituals that are entertaining, fun filled and enjoyable.

Marriages among the Indians are dependant on the religion to which the bride and the groom belong. While the marriages vary greatly among the different ethnic communities and religions, there are certain basic ceremonies that are observed in all the Indian weddings. There are pre wedding, main day and post wedding rituals that are observed in all the marriages in the country. The wedding day is always preceded by an engagement ceremony wherein certain rituals are performed and the boy and the girl exchange rings. This is generally followed by the all important and very colourful Sangeet ceremony. This is a fun filled event and is accompanied with much song and dance.

Muslim For Marriage

The main wedding is when the celebration begins in full swing. Indian marriages are two to three day affairs wherein several traditions are followed by both the bride and the groom. Every ritual is performed in great detail and with total dedication. The marriage begins with the arrival of the groom to the house of the bride, which is the wedding venue. The groom and his friends are known as Baraatis. Welcoming them is an important part of the main marriage. They are let into the house amidst much fanfare and celebration. They are the pampered guests of the bride's family and are given the royal treatment.

Indian Weddings

While the rituals of the marriage are being conducted the guests are treated to a sumptuous meal. The feast at an Indian wedding is elaborate and the choicest cuisines are on offer for the guests. After the wedding rituals are over, there are a number of wedding games that are conducted. These are an important part of the post wedding ceremony. The games are centred on the bride and the groom and the family and friends of both parties join in the merry making.

Muslim For Marriage

Among the post wedding rituals is the Vidaai. This is when the bride bids adieu to her family and is all set to proceed towards her husband's house. The welcoming of the bride at the house of the groom is also an important occasion. There are prayers that are offered for blessings to be showered on the newly weds as they begin their new life. A reception is generally held at the groom's place in honour of the bride.

The many traditions that are followed at the time of the wedding add to the glamour and charm of the event. These transform the occasion into a joyous celebration. The weddings not only mark the union of two individuals but also the coming together of two families. The Indian marriages are grand affairs and the family members and friends of both the bride and the groom participate with much joy and enthusiasm to make it a truly memorable event for all.

Indian Weddings

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islam Versus Atheism

This is an imagined discussion between a muslim and an atheist. But it is based on my actual discussions with atheists.

Muslim: Do you believe in God?

Muslim For Marriage

Atheist: There is no God. Can you prove that there is a God?

Islam Versus Atheism

Muslim: The universe, the land, the see, the sky, the sun, the moon,....etc are all evidences that there is a God who has created the universe.

Muslim For Marriage

Atheist: Can I see and hear the God?

Muslim: You cannot see the God. We have the word of the God which is the Quran. The language of the Quran is Arabic. We -Arabs- know very well that the Quran cannot be written by a human being. The Quran has challenged the old Arabs to write something that resembles the Quran. The old Arabs were genius poets but they could not. Nowadays, some persons tried to write something that resembles the Quran, but they made themselves a joke.

Atheist: Then the Quran is for Arabs only.

Muslim: The Quran is the word of the God for all peoples. Indeed the Arabs can feel the greatness of the Quran more than the other peoples. But the other peoples can read the translation of the meanings of the Quran. They can see the wisdom of the Quran. They can see the scientific accuracy of the Quran.

Atheist: Can you give me an example of the wisdom of the Quran?

Muslim: Islam forbids homosexuality and sex outside marriage. We can see clearly that homosexuality and sex outside marriage caused the spread of AIDS which caused or will cause the death of millions of people. Besides, with Islam, a man can be sure that his son is really his son. But in western countries, a man cannot be sure that his son is really his son.

Atheist: I want to discuss the presence of the God. The universe is created by the God. Who has created the God.

Muslim: The God has not been created. The God is eternal.

Atheist: I can say that the universe is eternal.

Muslim: The universe is changeable, so it cannot be eternal.

Atheist: You did not convince me.

Muslim: I invite you to read the Quran. I invite you to rethink about the common secular idea that there is no God. It is a common idea, but it is completely wrong.

Islam Versus Atheism

วันพุธที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tall Women's Clothing

Tall women require an extra degree of attention in choosing clothing and fashion styles to flatter their figure. For example, if a tall woman wears skirts that are too short or too long, it makes their body look out of proportion. Therefore, it is important that the length of their skirts be at either the knee or just below knee level.

A tall woman can also play down the length of her torso by wearing blouses that fall over the pants and skirts, giving an illusion of a perfectly proportioned figure.

Islamic Women

Some fashion experts also suggest that tall women should avoid pants with tapered legs, as they appear to lengthen the legs and accentuate the size of the hips and thighs. Tall women should wear clothes with seam lines, belts, bows and collars to shorten or narrow the torso. They may even wear prints around the neck and over the shoulders, to make those areas appear wider. In fact, low-rise pants and shoes with straps make the legs appear shorter, thus giving the body an evenly proportioned look.

Tall Women's Clothing

Fashion experts say that too much color for a tall figure can be overwhelming. Therefore, they advise a tall woman to wear several different colors. Wearing the same color of nylons as the skirt and shoe lengthens the leg, so if one wants to have the appearance of shorter legs, then one should wear a natural nylon color.

Islamic Women

There are many fashion suggestions for tall women available through various online and catalog stores. Several manufacturers offer clothing designed for taller women. However, getting one's clothes custom tailored might be one of the best options for tall ladies to keep looking great in clothes specifically modified to flatter their figure the best.

Tall Women's Clothing

วันอังคารที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Beautiful Story Telling With Modern Asian Wedding Photography

Beautiful Story Telling With Modern Asian Wedding Photography

The first thing to note is that Asian wedding photography is an interesting term which means more than photographing at an Indian or Pakistani wedding. It is the art of telling the story of the Indian or Pakistani wedding beautifully, artistically and unobtrusively.

You are likely to find that wedding photographers who specialize in Asian weddings offer a combination or reportage or photojournalistic coverage together with artistic couple portraits, but good Asian wedding photographers need to have far more than excellent reportage and portraiture skills.

Islam And Marriage

Setting the Scene

To tell a complete story of your wedding day, your wedding photographer will need to be a story-teller and able to photograph the events, people and details in a way which sets the scene. Like the elements of a written story, the setting and mood needs to be conveyed.

In photographic terms this means capturing the venue of the wedding in the most flattering manner, giving a sense of weather and the season. For example, at winter wedding, you will want your wedding photographer to brave the elements to capture the couple's venue and establish the place and time- be it the country house screened through raindrops on bare branches or a starburst of sun coming out from behind the temple.

When the day starts at the bride's or groom's home, there may be details of the welcome decorations over the doorway or a scene through a window and open doorway.

Telling the Story

Just as in any great story, there is a beginning, middle and an end, and this is filled plot and subplots, with characters and their actions and emotions and details which reveal more about the mood and style of the story.

Conveying the action of what is happening at an Asian wedding requires knowledge of the traditions and ceremonies. Many wedding ceremonies and traditions take place quite quickly, the mother of the bride welcoming the bridegroom and his family with a garland or blessing, the throwing of petals, the tying of the knots and pouring rice into the fire, and the photographer has to know what to expect and be ready to capture it beautifully and creatively.

Capturing the Family

The members of an Asian family are often very close-knit, so it is important to photograph not only the bride and groom, but their parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and grandparents.

The emotions and closeness of parents and aunties and uncles are some of the most beautiful and treasured details of the wedding day. Asian wedding photography specialists will endeavour to photograph the couple's parents during the wedding ceremony and capture the tears and smiles of pride.

Revealing Detail

Details can reveal so much about the day and the personality of the bride and bridegroom, and it is important to photograph these details. The flower arrangements, table settings, favours, jewelery, car and elements of the Hindu wedding, Islamic or Sikh ceremonies make beautiful and thoughtful photographs which can really enhance the design of the wedding album.

Wrapping it up

Finally, like a good ending to any story, it is important to photograph the final moments of the wedding day- the venue lit up at night under a starry sky, driving away or simply enjoying a well-deserved moment away from their guests.

Asian wedding photography done well require the skills of architectural photography, magazine-style details, photojournalistic moments of the ceremony and emotions and creative portraits to completely tell the story of the wedding artistically and completely.

Beautiful Story Telling With Modern Asian Wedding Photography

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Islamic Clothes Promoting Islam With Slogan

With the ever evolving world looking for newer trends to promote and market to their targeted niche market, clothing articles with various slogans have become very popular. Islamic clothes with catchy phrases depicting Islam have also gained a lot of popularity amongst the Muslim communities. In particular Muslims living in non Muslim countries rely on these types of Islamic clothes to voice out their feelings about their religion.

Today the Islamic clothes with phrases like "I Love Islam", "Proud to be a Muslim" and many other similar ones can be widely seen all around Europe and the Americas. Young men and women in particular are very focused on stating to the world about their choice of being Muslim. For them it is important to let others know that regardless of being born in Muslim families, they choose to practice Islam for its teachings and values. Therefore, they opt to inform the people around them by wearing stylish Islamic clothes with religious phrases printed on them.

Islam And Marriage

There are numerous Islamic clothes retailers who sell creative and captivating one line statements in favour of Islam. These slogans portray the true feelings behind Islam as opposed to the extremist and fundamentalist view that people have developed about the peace loving religion. Wearing these clothing items allows the younger generation to express their point of view and freedom in addition to letting the people around them understand the significance of Islam.

Islamic Clothes Promoting Islam With Slogan

T-shirts, caps, bags and Islamic clothes for children are available in an array of colours, designs and slogans. People can choose the styles they prefer to wear and express themselves. These apparel and accessory items are easily available at numerous Islamic retail stores and online shops catering to the needs of the Muslims across the globe.

Islam And Marriage

The most commonly seen attractive statements on Islamic clothes include:"Mini Muslim", "I only eat Halal", "Muslim for Life", "I Love my Prophet", "Allah's Little Angel" and "Jannah under mother's feet" to list a few. These slogans are not only eye catching but also create good feelings about the religion. Other messages include different names of Allah printed on apparel items or verses from the Quran in beautiful fonts and styles to emphasize the importance of these verses in a Muslim's life. These slogan bearing clothing articles are a great way to not only express your religion but to also promote the goodness behind its teachings.

Islamic Clothes Promoting Islam With Slogan

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

Facultied one - in the spirit, imagination, fear, felt, felt hope and scholars say - found the deification of the terrible forces in his life as a response to his need for help for his commitment to the forces that make the case. And so he prayed to the Sun, and Storm, Earthquake and deities, and gave his best for them to appease their anger.

They multiplied and prospered, most established companies in search of purpose in his life and devotion significant, sought after for such ideals worth fighting forObjectives, for the hope, so he created the gods reign with powerful forces and scope, as Thor and Zeus and Jupiter, and less well Gods, and gave them human-like qualities, the mountains to dwell on those. Then the man of culture, art and myths inspired features designed with the accepting of the human form, some with human companions and children demigod procreation. Myths, heroic deeds, to worship as the Greeks and Romans, this is filling the needs of humanity.

Man Islam

And then the Israelites came with their mono-Godconcept, invisible "Yahweh", his ten commandments to be kept uplifting Man and God. No idols! No slayings! Revere: God; parents; neighbors; life. Abhor evil! Be good. Severe these changes from the brutish world: the Torah; Creation; Noah's flood; patriarchs; Moses! And Laws for a just nation. But fierce was Yahweh's anger if there would be transgression, so to pagan idol worship there'd be no regression. Thus centuries passed - Jews worshipped God, dwelling in their land. The surrounding heathen cultures they were able to withstand.

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

Then elsewhere rose great teachers, who, their goals of Life pursued with selflessness and Golden Rule, their peoples they imbued. In India was the Buddha - six centuries B.C. In China was Confucious - the following century. Meditation and serenity inspired their devotees. Two great religions grew, in time, from these philosophies.

Man Islam

Meanwhile, across the world, marched the mighty Roman legions, dominating, ruthless, yet permitting conquered regions their own religious rites. But Rome's political restrictions quickly crushed all revolt-threats through their leader's crucifixions. But revolt in Israel brewed. And Christ was born and died. And thirty years thereafter, Rome completed genocide of the Jews at Massada - slaying all not taken slaves, except the few who fled and hid in desert sand and caves.

And all the western world was under Roman might and rule. Its citizens had full freedom, but life for slaves was cruel. Hard labor, torture, misery - their lives had little worth. But hopeful whispers then were heard - a new religion's birth. From newly captured slaves, tales of wonder, of "Life to Come" to those with faith in Jesus Christ and his millennium. A man called Paul preached of this Christ - of love, faith, charity, and of the Gospels - testament of Christianity.

Thus centuries passed, slaves turned Christian, faith their sole comfort. But Rome fed Christians to the lions, blood-thirsty in their sport, in their genocide attempt - as before against the Jew -to abolish one-God faiths. Still Christianity grew in all the Roman empire and beyond. And with Christ tales, his sermons and his miracles, and virgin-birth details Son-of-God beliefs were inspiring idealogy to heathen-converts steeped in god-on-earth mythology. From firstly secret gatherings, through many generations, Christ's story and his teachings spread across the many nations, till finally the emperors of Rome themselves embraced the Christian faith. But then, the story of Christ's death transplaced all blame - four hundred years before - from Roman rulers - to the group to which his followers plus Christ belonged - the Jew! Thus was established pogrom-hate-base for millennia. From children-mind implantings of - "Jews killed our Christ" idea, came hatred of the Jew, to run amok throughout the ages: Crusaders, Inquisition, and the Holocaust rampages.

First Rome became the center of the spreading Christendom, established rites, canons and doctrinal compendium, preachings from Christ's teachings of his sublime divinity, and introducing Father-Son-and-Spirit trinity, with one Commandment changed - for prayer to statued Christ and Saints. But with Church growth, divisions grew, first questions then complaints. And Luther rose, and led his Protestant Reformation from mother Catholic Church, effecting separation. Then was the Pope's authority by English King defied, Detaching Church of England, to wed his forbidden bride. But Mohammed of Mecca, in sixth century A.D. Envisioned Lord God Allah as the world's sole diety, banned girl-slayings, idol-worship; preached brotherhood of man, Islamic precepts, the Koran. Thus Moslem faith began.

Centuries passed - and man progressed - and Christian power grew. By thirteen-hundred, all Europe - was: Christian, dead or Jew -through sword and Bible. Then came the Crusades - the Holy Land to be recaptured. Ethnic hatreds, uncontrolled, were fanned. First, killing all of Europe's Jews, unluckily in their path, then slaughtering a million Greeks, next victims of their wrath though Catholic all! Thus, the Holy Land was sanctified with blood of Jews and Muslims who futilely fought and died.

Two major events then occurred in fourteen-ninety-two, Spain launched its Inquisition to convert or expel the Jew. One-third, several hundred thousand, accepted Catholicism; another third did also, but, practiced, in private, Judiasm. The rest, although for centuries they'd made their home in Spain, fled anywhere and everywhere, their religion to maintain.

Discovered also then, was the great New World - manifold its bounty, teeming with simple, naked natives - its gold soon taken. The conversion to Catholicism was swift, the Conquistadors offering their own God Christ as "gift". A trade - Christ for gold - enslaved natives being forced to mine, whilst their pagan gods were changed to the Spanish God, divine. But scores of millions of natives, from white man's germs did die, while tons of gold were taken from them, Spain to glorify.

Then Man's Industrial progress became a "Revolution", ending endless toil for food - through technical evolution. But Man now lived in cities, less at mercy of Nature's whim, and therefore less inclined to pray to "Powers" beyond him. Then Man expanded culturally, studied Science and Art, Philosophy, Government - Democracy had its start. With the masses taking power, came revolt against the Czar, while worshiping of "god-less-ness", became quite popular.

Then came the nineteen twenties, the "good life" a goal for all, But Economic's pendulum swung backwards in a fall. World Wars were fought as leader's sought by conquest to gain fame, and ethnic hatreds were unleashed - on the helpless to lay blame for all man's ills. But there was no God to stay the Holocaust! Eleven million, six million Jews - children, women, men - lost!

Now Islamic suicide bombers pose a world-wide threat To even fellow Muslims - Israel constantly beset; With Arab oil-funded terrorists seeking WMD, The coming decade may well be the end of history!

Man's knowledge now in Science grows steadily apace: Atomics, electronics, and the conquering of "Space". To deadly foes like Cancer - Medicine gives closing chase, So, soon, our growing knowledge may Life's mysteries outpace. But what will be the consequence of our "most deadly" race, the spread of ethnic hatreds - versus Earth's jammed populace, Plus every country's goal - a WMD power base! Islam's religious hatred sets the world afire - no place on Earth, no one - is safe: Infidel or Muslim ; the killers embrace their bombs. Crying "Allah Akbah:" they die - they think - in grace. Pure ethnic rage - unchecked - amok! For "Tolerance", no place! So many crucial elements, and all must interface! All factors are increasing: with accelerating pace, plus mankind's warlike nature - it seems a hopeless case! Millions - from murder, hunger, war - live and die without a trace! World leaders, uncaring or helpless - Man, the inhuman race!

Help us, Oh God! We are so self-destructive!! We need you!

Man's Search For God - History of the World! (In Rhyme)

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Kurdish Wedding Traditions Culture

Kurdish Wedding Traditions Culture

Kurdish Culture

Kurdish culture has distinctive traits that are very dissimilar to Toronto traits. Kurdish traditions are similar to those of the Iranians. Some of these similarities include the celebration of different occasions like weddings. Additionally, both cultures celebrate Nawroz, which is their New Year celebration.  Nawroz is celebrated on twenty first of March. Kurd are considered as moderate Muslims thus the less observation of Islamic rules. For example, Kurdish culture allows women to work outside their homes. Unlike other Muslims, Kurdish cultures have less restriction about women wearing the hijab The Kurdish people also have unique wedding cultures admired by many people around the world.

Man Islam

Kurdish Marriage Procedure

Unlike Toronto weddings, three or four men and women with an advanced age visits the brides home before the ceremony as dictated by the Kurdish wedding traditional culture. In the first day of visit, the visitors tell the bride's parents the reasons for their visit. The purpose of this visit is to inform the girl's parents about their interest in her to get married to one of their own. After explaining their motive, the girl's parent may agree or refuse to hand their daughter for marriage.

When the girl's parents show some interest, the guests ask for some water. The girl's parents then ask her to serve the guests with water. The objective of this act is to give guests a chance to view the girl's stature, character as well as appearance. According to Kurdish wedding traditional culture, the girl is supposed to stand there until the guest finish drinking water. If the guests are impressed with the girl, they organize a second visit. In the second visit, the guest comes along with the man intending to marry the girl.

The elderly guests introduce the man to the girl and her parents. This gives the young girl and man a chance to interact and know each other. According to Kurdish wedding traditional culture of the ceremony occurs only when the man is satisfied with the girl and agrees to marry her. If this happens, ask the older guests, the parents of the girl, the daughter her hand in marriage. When both girls and boys are happy and content, the wedding is planned. Unlike weddings in Toronto, this marriage will be prepared the same day.

Real Weddings

Just like Toronto weddings, Kurds celebrate during the union of a man and awoman. During this ceremony, there is performance of music performed by traditional musicians. According to Kurdish culture, there are three categories of music performance. This includes storytellers, minstrels as well as bards. Majority of songs performed are meant to cement love between the lovers. Some songs have an epic characteristic because they praise the wedding couples as heroes and winners. According to Kurdish culture, music performance stars one day prior to the wedding occasion.

On the actual day just like in Toronto, the groom puts a ring on the bride's finger while present audience celebrates the occasion in song and dance. As song and dance is taking place, the young man's relatives offer presents and gifts to girl's parents. This serves as a sign of appreciation. According to Kurdish wedding traditional culture, the ceremony ends after presentation of shara buke, which is a shawl, placed on the bride's head. The shawl must have white, yellow as well as red colors on it. Two rings are put on the bride's finger. Following Kurdish wedding traditional culture, the main ring symbolizes engagement while the second ring symbolizes the right of the husband to visit the home of the bride any time he wishes.

Kurdish Wedding Traditions Culture

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

True History of Pakistan

True History of Pakistan


Pakistan is in the northwestern part of South Asia. It borders China to the north, Afghanistan, north-west, Iran in the south-west Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean to the south and east India. Pakistan, as you can see, at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East is therefore a simple link between Central Asia and South America.

Muslim Dating

There was significant migration movements in the areas now forming PakistanSince prehistoric times. The people of Pakistan are the descendants of various ethnic groups and racial sub-stocks, which came in the subcontinent over the last 5000 years, mainly from Central and Western Asia from time to time. But unlike the popular misconception, has always maintained its individuality and identity separate from neighboring India, Pakistan, that part of Aakhand Bharat (undivided India) was established on the basis of history. Hence its partition from India is fullyunjustified. But thousands of years of history of the subcontinent, tells a different story. It tells us that the areas now called Pakistan has always had as a single, compact, and a separate geographic and political units has remained unchanged since ancient times.

Few people were aware of the true history of Pakistan, yet few know that the oldest stone tools in the world, dating back to 2.2 million years was found in Rabat, about 15 km from Rawalpindi and the largesthand Axe was found in the Soan Valley. And to top it all, the site of the first settled life in the world dating back to the 8th millennium BC has been found at Mehergarh in the Sibi districts of Balochistan. Although Pakistan, as an independent country dates only from August 14th, 1947 and the nation itself can trace its beginnings only to a few centuries ago, yet the territories of Pakistan are heir to one of the richest and the oldest civilizations and settlements of the world.

Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization[i] is one of the most fascinating and the oldest civilizations ever known. It flourished between 3000 and 1500 BC by the banks of River Indus or Sind in Pakistan. This civilization existed along the Indus River in present day Pakistan with its main centers at Mohenjodaro in Sind, Harappa in the Punjab, Kej in the Baluch territory and Judeiro Daro in the Pathan region. It is generally believed that the inhabitants of Indus Valley Civilization were Dravidians who came to sub-continent from eastern Mediterranean.

This civilization reached its climax around the two metropolitan centers of Mohenjodaro and Harappa. These cities are well known for their impressive, organized and regular layout. They were the centers of arts and crafts. According to John Marshal, the Harappan people were literate and used the Dravidian language [ii] which is one of the world's first known languages. Their chief occupation was agriculture and trade. The civilization is notable for its strong central government, sense for art and architecture and house planning.

Flood is considered to be the destroyer of this culture due to which agriculture got disrupted and trade routes affected which led majority of the population to migrate to other fertile lands. Those who were left behind fell victim to the Aryan invasion. The civilization lasted for fifteen hundred years.

Arrival of the Aryans

In about 1700 BC, Indus Valley people saw the arrival of new horse-riding nomads from Central Asia leading to the eventual decline of their prosperous and sophisticated Indus Civilization. The Aryans came in at least two major waves in Pakistan. The first wave came around 2000 BC and the second wave came at least six centuries later. It was after the second wave of Aryans invasion that they became dominant and their language spread over the entire length and breadth of the region. They entered through the Swat Valley from the northwest mountain passes and pushed the local people or the Dravidians (the people of Indus Civilization) southwards or towards the jungles and mountains in north. They settled first in Punjab and Indus Valley and then spread eastward and southward. Unlike Indus people Aryans were uncivilized race. Their religious texts and human remains suggest that the Aryans were violent in their invasions. They killed the inhabitants and burnt their cities. A similar view was opined by Stuart Piggot in his book Pre-historic India:

"The Aryan advent was in fact the arrival of barbarians into a region already highly organized into an empire based on a long established tradition of literate urban culture".

Besides being sturdy fighters Aryans were also skilled farmers and craftsmen. They were the worshippers of nature and their religious books were called Vedas. Aryans were tall, well-built and; had attractive features and fair complexion while the inhabitants of Indus Valley were black, flat nosed and of short stature. The Indus people submitted to the superior Aryans and became their slaves. This fact later became the basis of Caste system in order of superiority such as Brahmans (priest) Kashatryas (warriors) and Vaisyas (business community and commoners). The Dravidians were placed in fourth and termed as Sudras (slaves).

Persian Empire

In the 6th century BC, Darius invaded Pakistan and made the Indus plain and Gandhara part of his Persian Empire of the Achaemenid, with his capital at Persepolis in Iran. It was from then onwards that the city of Taxila began to grow and the region saw the rise of another great civilization called the Gandhara Civilization covering most of the northern Pakistan with capitals at both Pushkalavati (Charsadda) and Takshka-sila (Taxila).

As part of the Persian Empire, the region once again rose to zenith. Trade with Iran and the west resumed once again, economy flourished, weapons and other objects of daily use were produced. Charsadda and Taxila became the centers of activity. One of the greatest universities of the ancient world was founded at Taxila. It was at this university that Chandra Gupta Maurya got his education, who later founded the Maurya Empire in South Asia. This prosperous Achaemenian Empire that extended from Pakistan to Greece and Egypt, however, collapsed under the onslaught of Alexander of Macedonia.

Alexander's Invasion

Alexander entered Pakistan from the northern route at Swat and conquered the Gandharan region between 327 and 325 BC. He reached Taxila first. The Raja of Taxila knowing Alexander's vast army's reputation gave him a welcome instead of resistance. Alexander stayed at Taxila for sometime then came across Raja Porus who was the ruler of the territories east of Jehlum. He then went up to River Beas from where his army refused to go further, so he then came down through the entire length of Pakistan, crossed the Hub River near Karachi and departed for home dying on the way. Alexander's invasion brought Greek knowledge and science to Taxila.

Up till here it is notable that during each settlements and invasions may that be of the Indus Valley Civilization, Aryans or during the half a millennium period after Aryan's migrations and during the Persian Empire, Pakistan always stood as a separate entity from India and the period covered by these settlements is about 2200 years.

Mauryan Empire

Alexander's untimely demise at Babylon in 323 B.C resulted in the breakup of his vast empire in to two parts (The Byzantine Empire and Bacterian Greeks). The control of this region therefore fell into the hands of native dynasties and tribes. Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of Maurya Empire who marched into the Gangetic plains, defeated the Nanda Kings and established a strong government at a place called Magadha (present Bihar). However, it should be noted that he ruled from India but he was a son of Potohar region and a Prince of Taxila. He followed Jainism. His grandson Ashoka was a Buddhist.

As the Mauryan rulers did not took into Hinduism and promoted either Jainism or Buddhism, they became subject to Hindu's criticism. Hindu's through their scheming and conspiracy managed to put an end to Mauryan Dynasty and instead gave birth to Brahman origin dynasty of Singhas followed by Kanvas and Indras. These dynasties ruled southern and central India but proved to be weak and short lived.

Graeco-Bactrian Rule

The Bactrian Greeks arrived in Gandhara in 185 BC, about 50 years after the death of Ashoka. They were the decedents of Alexander the Great's armies from Bactria (now Balkh, in northern Afghanistan). They built Greek cities at Taxila and Pushkalavati (Charsadda) and introduced their language, art and religion in the country of Gandhara. Their language lasted more than 500 years and their art and religion had considerable influence on the Gandhara Civilization. The most powerful of the Bactrian Greek ruler was Menander (mid-second century BC). The Graeco-Bactrian rule lasted for only a century.

The Sakas

After the Graeco-Bactrian, Pakistan was divided into several small Greek Kingdoms who fell prey to the great wave of Scythians (Sakas) who migrated on an extensive scale. They were the nomads of North Iran. Sakas overthrew the Greek rulers and established their control all over Pakistan. The Sakas settlements were so vast that Pakistan came to be known as Scythia. Gandhara became the center of the Saka domains, and Taxila was chosen the capital. The Sakas or Scythians were tall, large framed and fierce warriors. They were splendid horsemen and expert in lance. Sakas were followed by the powerful Parthians from east of the Caspian Sea, in about 20 AD.

The Kushans

The Kushans from Central Asia established the Kushan Empire in Indus Valley. The third king of this dynasty Kanishka was the most successful ruler. His reforms earned him fame. Like his predecessors he also took active interest in Buddhism. Kushans made Peshawar their capital. The Kushans period is considered the golden age of Pakistan and brought great wealth and prosperity to the region with the development of the Silk Route to China. It came to be known as Kushana-shahar, the land of the Kushans. It was the Kushan kings who gifted the national dress of shalwar(shirt), kamiz(trousers) and sherwani to Pakistan.

After Kanishka's death, his successors failed to keep the Empire intact. The result of which was that some of its parts were captured by Sassanians of Persia. In the 4th century a new dynasty of Kidar (little) Kushans came to power and established their capital at Peshawar. At more or less the same time Gupta Empire came in to power in the neighboring country of India and annexed a vast area of the sub-continent yet it did not went beyond Sutlej and did not included Kashmir. So during the Gupta period, Pakistan was in the hands of Kushans and Sassanians.

White Huns

The Huns were the nomad tribe of China's western borderland who after conquering Central Asia and Iran invaded Pakistan from Central Mongolia. Their chiefs were called 'Khans'. The particular branch of the Huns, which came to Pakistan, is known as Epthalite or White Huns. One of their mighty rulers was Mehar Gul whose capital was Sakala (present Sialkot). They killed Buddhists and burned all the monasteries. Their conquest completely eliminated the Gupta regime. The origin of majority of the Afghan-Pathan tribes and Rajput and Jat clans of Punjab and Sind, according to modern scholars, are descendents from White Huns. The fall of the Hun rulers resulted in emergence of petty kingdoms which caused deterioration in political, social and economic condition until Muslims came in the scene.

Arab Invasion

During the Rajput's period in north India i.e., 7th to 12th century AD the light of Islam penetrated into this part of the world. Islam arrived in Pakistan from two directions, south and north. In 711 an Arab expedition under a 20 year old Syrian Muhammad Bin Qasim arrived by sea to suppress piracy on Arab shipping and established control of the sub-continent as far as north of Multan and built up a kingdom of Al-Mansurah in Sind. Mohammad bin Qasim conquered Sind and ruled it for about three years before being recalled and killed. After Mohammad Bin Qasim's departure, Muslim rule got confined to Sind and southern Punjab only. However, from this period onward Pakistan was divided into two parts for a long time; the northern one comprising of the Punjab and NWFP and the southern one comprising of Multan, Sind and Balochistan under various Muslim rulers.

The Turks

In 10th century AD, Turkish descendents having their capital at Ghazni attacked this region. They migrated from central Asia and played a prominent part in the political life of the sub-continent for about 200 years. The Ghaznavids, a Turkish dynasty which rose in Afghanistan, succeeded the Arabs and under the leadership of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi, established Muslim rule in the sub-continent. Sultan Mahmud of Ghaznah or Mahmud Ghaznavi, son of Turkish King of Ghazni namely Sabuktgin invaded Pakistan from the north. Gandhara, the Punjab, Sind and Balochistan all became part of the Ghaznavid Empire, which had its capital at Ghazni, in Afghanistan and later at Lahore.

With the arrival of Muslims Turks also came the Sufis and dervishes from Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan who through their teaching spread the message of Islam all over the country. Some of them are Sheik Ismael, Syed Ali Hajveri, Ganj Shakar, Moeen-ud-Ajmeeri, Nizam-ud-Din Oliya, Baha-ud-din Zakiria and Khawaja Moeen-ud-din Chishti. It was due to these pious saints and Sufis that Islam spread to the entire length of the sub-continent. The city of Multan became famous as the city of Saints. Though Ghaznavid rule in Pakistan lasted for over 175 years but Mahmud did not annexed any area beyond Ravi. He contented himself with the annexations of the Punjab only. He was neither a robber nor tyrant as written by some historians. His reputation as a great patron of culture and literature has remained undiminished to this date. It was under his patronage that the well known epic Shahnama was written by Firdawsi.

The Ghaznavid Kingdom came into conflict with the rulers of Ghor who destroyed the city of Ghazna reducing it to ashes. Ghors were Oghuz Turks of Ghor in Afghanistan. Sultan Muhammad of Ghor and his slave lieutenant Qutb-ud-din Aybak raided sub-continent and captured Delhi in 1193. Ghori was a brave soldier and able administrator but not as brilliant as Mahmud Ghaznavi. However, Ghori left a lasting impact on the history of India. He is reputed to be a mild and benovelant man and a just ruler. He had not any heirs. He trained his slaves in warfare and administration. It was Aybak, one of his slaves who became his successor after Ghori's assassination in 1206.

After the death of Ghori, his slave Qutab-ud-Din Aybak established the first Turkish Slave Dynasty (1206-90), which lasted for over 300 years. Aybak was the most trusted general of Muhammad Ghori and was given the administrative control of some of the conquered lands. He initially made Lahore as the capital but later moved to Delhi thatswhy the slave dynasty is also referred as the Sultanate of Delhi. However Aybak's reign was short lived (5 years) and he was succeeded by nine other slave kings. Among his successors, his son-in-law, Iltutmish (1211-36), Raziyya Sultana (1236-1239) and Balban were the most famous. Balban is remembered for his strong centralized government. With his death, the dynasty declined and the final blow came in a form of a Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji. The Sultanate period brought the greater part of the sub-continent under its control and established Muslim Rule on firm grounds.

The Sultanate period also saw the rise and fall of 4 other dynasties in rapid succession: the Khiljis (1290-1320), the Tughlaqs (1320-1413), the Sayyids (1414-51), and the Lodhis (1451-1526). The Khiljis were Turks by origin but had resided in Afghanistan so long that they were no longer regarded as Turks. They took control of the sub-continent in a form of a coup. Among them the Alao-Din-Khilji, was the most famous as he had a great impact on the history of India. He was efficient, imaginative and strong ruler. The Khilji Empire lasted for 30 years. The Khiljis were succeeded by the Tughluqs who consolidated the Muslim rule and revived the empire. The Tughluqs restored the public works of utility such as forts and canals and reestablished law and order. The Sayyids and the Lodhis followed next and their rule remained till 1526 when Babur founded the Mughal Empire.

The Mughals

'Mughal' is the Persian translation of the word 'Mongol' from which we get the English word 'mogul' meaning 'tycoon'. The Moguls were the last of the Mongols. In the 16th century, Zaheeruddin Mohamed Babur, the first Mughal Emperor and a descendent of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan, raided the Punjab from Afghanistan and defeated Ibrahim Lodhi, at the historic battle of Panipat and founded the Mughul Empire. Babur was succeeded by his son, Humayun in 1530. Humayun was ousted by the Sher Shah Suri, who ruled the empire until his death in 1545. Humayun who went into self exile in Persia returned and regained the throne in 1554 but died two years later. He was succeeded by his son Akbar. Akbar was the greatest of the Mughal Emperors and ruled the longest period. He improved the centralized administrative system and was a great patron of art and literature. Mughal art and architecture reached its height under Akbar's son Jahingir reign, and later under his grandson Shah Jahan. They left a heritage of magnificent mosques, palaces, tombs, forts and gardens which can still be seen in Lahore, Multan, Jehlum and other places. Auranzeb succeeded Shah Jahan and who ruled from 1658 to 1707. He was a pious man and an efficient administrator. With the death of Auranzeb, the great Mughal Empire (1526-1857) disintegrated.

In 1739, Nadir Shah of Persia invaded the region and after his death Ahmed Shah Abdali founded the kingdom of Afghanistan in 1747. Then in the early 19th century, the Sikhs pushed the Afghans back to the Khyber Pass. Ranjit Singh, the famous Sikh leader made Lahore his capital and ruled from 1799 to 1839. The Sikh rule collapsed under the British and thus ended the Muslim rule in the subcontinent. However it should be noted that unlike Britishers "Muslim rule in India was established by immigrant elite. The Muslims didn't rule India from a distant homeland, nor were they members of a dominant group within the Indian Social community".

The British Period

The British arrived as merchants with the British East India Company at the beginning of the 17th century and gradually became involved in Indian politics and finally, after the battle of Plassey in 1757, began to conquer the sub-continent. By 1843, Sind was completely in their control. They defeated the Sikhs in 1845 and 1849 in Anglo-Sikh War.

After the First War of Independence in 1857 (also known as the Sepoy Mutiny), the British Government took direct control of Pakistan. This marked the beginning of the British Raj (British Rule), and in the name of Queen Victoria the British continued to expand their empire. Hunza on the Chinese border was the last area to fall into British hands, in 1891; only Afghanistan and some western most areas of Pakistan continued to remain outside their control. They demarcated the Durand Line in 1893 to separate Pakistan from Afghanistan. The British had a strong influence on modern Pakistan. They not only introduced their administrative and legal systems, but also brought with them their culture, language, art and architecture, some of which can still be seen in Pakistan today.

The Struggle for Pakistan

After the unsuccessful First War of Independence in 1857, the British determined to suppress and weaken the Muslims, whom they held mainly responsible for the uprising. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817-98) made one of the first attempts to restore Muslim status by founding the Aligarh Movement. Muslims formed a political party with the name of Muslim League under the chairmanship of Nawab Salimullah Khan in 1906 at Dhaka. Yet it was only when Jinnah assumed the leadership of Muslim League in 1936 that it became a dynamic, national organization of the Muslims.

In 1930, a Muslim poet and a philosopher Dr. Muhammad Iqbal proposed the creation of a separate Muslim state for those areas of the subcontinent with a Muslim majority. His proposal was adopted by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a British trained lawyer and Pakistan's first head of state. This idea of a separate Muslim state in the sub-continent to be called Pakistan took the form of a resolution adopted by the Muslim League in 1940 at its Lahore session. This was the Lahore resolution that came to be popularly known as Pakistan Resolution. The philosophy on which it was based is called Two Nation Theory, which emphasized on the individuality of Hindus and Muslims stating that these two nations have their own civilization, culture, historical heritage and religion due to which they can not live under a single country. This provided the basis for Pakistan.

The British realized that they would have to relinquish their hold upon the sub-continent so on 20th February 1947; the British Prime Minister Mr. Lord Atlee announced that the British Government would hand over the power of the sub-continent to its natives. It was finally agreed that the sub continent should be partitioned and the power will be handed over to the two states at Independence on the mid-night of 14th and 15th August 1947. Thus the Muslims struggle under the dynamic leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah bore fruit; the sub-continent won Independence from English and Pakistan was created as a sovereign and independent Muslim state on 14th August 1947.

It was decided that Pakistan would comprise the eastern (present Bangladesh) and western (present Pakistan) wings of the country. The Muslims living in Indian region had to migrate to Pakistan. This migration was accompanied by terrible violence and bloodshed not to mention various problems of division Pakistan had to face in the hands of uncooperative Indians.

Independent Pakistan

The world has always known two different countries and cultures in the sub-continent; one based on the Sindhu or Indus (Pakistan) and the other on the Ganges Valley (India) known as Bharatvarta. The Sindhu country with its Harappan Civilization had its control from Rupar on upper Sutlej to the lower reaches of the Indus on the Arabian Sea, the territory now covered by Pakistan. The Sindhu Land was always notable for its independent existence, completely detached from Gangetic Valley or India.

Moreover, Pakistan as an independent country always looked westward and had more cultural, commercial and political connections with the Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Turks than with the Gangetic Valley. During the 5000 years of Pakistan's known history, Pakistan remained part of India for a total period of 711 years of which 512 years were covered by the Muslims period and 100 years each by the Mauryan (mostly Buddhist) and British periods. Pakistan had remained either independent or part of powers at west and its attachment to India was only an exception.

This may be the reason that there is barely any Hindu architectural influence in Pakistan and instead of Hinduism; Islam shapes the lives of most Pakistanis. Moreover, Hindus themselves have always regarded Yavanas (the inhabitants of Pakistan) in those days as impure and outside the limits of Aryandom. So Pakistan as a part of India is a weak theory having no historical grounding. It was indeed the famous Two Nation Theory formulated by Iqbal and realized by Jinnah that led to the creation of Pakistan in 1947.


[i] Called 'Indus Valley' by John Marshall, Mohenjodaro and the Indus Valley Civilization pp.i-iii (London, 1931), and 'Harappan' by Stuart Piggott, Prehistoric India (London: Pelican Books, 1950), p. 132.
[ii] Quoted in Ancient Cities of the Indus, Gregory L. Possehl (ed), Carolina Academic Press, New Delhi, 1979, pp. 105-107.


1. Dani A H. Pakistan: History through the centuries. [Online] [Cited 2009 April 2] Available from: heritage.gov.pk/html_Pages/history1.html
2. Shaw I. Pakistan Handbook. The guide book company Ltd. Hong Kong. 1989.
3. Abdulla A. The historical background of Pakistan & its people. Tanzeem Publishers. Karachi. 1973.
4. Possehl G L (ed). Ancient cities of the Indus. Carolina Academic Press. New Delhi. 1979.
5. Rahman T. Peoples & languages in pre-Islamic Indus Valley. [Online] [Cited 2009 April 2]. Available from:
6. Haroon A. Muhammad Bin Qasim to General Pervaiz Musharraf: Triumphs, tribulations, scars of 1971 tragedy & current challenges. KRL Post Office Box 502. Rawalpindi. 2000.
7. Piggot S. Pre Historic India. Penguin Books. 1950.
8. Akhtar R (ed). Pakistan Year Book 1974. East & West Publishing Company. Karachi.
9. Elliot H M & Dowson J. The History of India as told by its own historians: The Muhammadan Period. Vol. 1. Trubner & Co. London. 1867-1877.
10. P.M Holt, Ann K.S, Lambton & Lewis B(eds). The Cambridge History of Islam: The further Islamic Lands, Islamic Society & Civilization. Cambridge University Press. 1970.
11. Hardy P. The Muslims of British India. Cambridge University Press. London. 1972.

True History of Pakistan